What's What with Maddy?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Nine Days to Go

I am now counting down to Disney. It sort of funny now. When I say Disney at this time of the year, people seem to know why I'm going. I mean, sure we go a lot anyway. It's been a couple of weeks and I think Darrell is jonesing it big time... But right now, everyone seems to know that the next time we go it's for the half marathon.

I'm feeling pretty good. I'm dealing with this muscle thing in my back, but the Chiropractor said I should wait to get a massage until after my long run this weekend. I scheduled a massage for Tuesday at 5:15 PM. That should be nice. I followed Doctor's Orders last night after my adjustment. I came home took and Epsom Salts bath and then put some ice on the sore spot. What torks me about this, is that it's not even a running injury. It's from twisitng using two monitors at work. Overall,it's not that big of a deal. Even without the massage, I would be good with a few ibuprofen. But I won't turn down a massage either.

According to weather.com January 6th is going to have a low of 61 degrees, partly cloudy and 20% chance of rain. The high is supposed to be 76 degrees, but I'll be done running long before the temperature gets that warm - and really, is 76 degrees warm?

I admit I am feeling a little cautious about the weather forecast. Last year I started checking the weather early on in preparation for whaqt the day would bring. It looked like it was going to be a beautiful day, as the day got closer and closer the forecast got colder and colder. I was layered up at the start of the race last year, several sweatshirts, a jacket, a long sleeve shirt and a tank top. I also had a scarf, a hat, my signature bandana and two pair of gloves.

While I was at Target on Tuesday I bought two pair of gloves and a hat, just in case I need it. If not, I picked out some that are cute enought to wear if I need them just to wear...

My training has been going well. I've picked up the pace a litte bit. I've been running at 7.5 MPH. We'll see how I am after ten miles on Saturday. - Although I don't foresee a problem. I was hoping that there was another half marathon this weeked close by. I didn't find anything on runningintheusa.com I was hoping I could find a wacky New Year's Resolution Race. No such luck.

I am going to run in the morning - I couldn't find my way out of bed this morning. I'm planning on three or four miles - a great way to get the day started!


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