What's What with Maddy?

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Berries and Cream Diet Dr.Pepper

Once upon a time I was a big Cherry Vanilla Diet Dr. Pepper Fan. I liked to swing by 7-11 and get on in the afternoon. Then it was gone. Sure, there was regular Diet Dr. Pepper and then there was a new drink in place of my beloved Cherry Vanilla concotion. Berries and Cream Diet Dr. Pepper?


Who would drink that?

So I switched to Regular Diet Dr. Pepper. It was good stuff. And it is still a favorite, but I felt like I was missing some flavor.

On a whim, I finally relented and tried a Berries and Cream Diet Dr. Pepper. I figured it was worth a shot.

It was AWESOME! The taste reminded me of Red Cream Soda, that I haven't had since I was little.

Can you believe it, after all my hesitation, and this stuff is good!


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